How To Find And Fix Leaky Ducts
Did you know that about 30 cents out of every dollar that you spend on your heating and cooling bills is actually lost to leaks in your ductwork? We conduct energy efficiency tests such as a duct leakage test to find and fix leaky ducts and determine where leaks may be occurring throughout the ductwork […]
How to Pass A Duct Leakage Test?
Anticipate potential air leaks ahead of time. Only use high quality duct mastic and duct seal tape Make sure to seal all connections and joints Make sure to seal the boots as well Seal any penetration in the air handler Penetration between conditioned and unconditioned areas such as basements, attics and crawl spaces are sealed. […]
Allowable Duct Leakage
According to the 2015 IECC, (International Energy Conservation Code) a duct leakage test is required when any part of the duct or the air handler sits outside of the building envelope. The ductwork can be tested either at the rough in stage with or without the air handler or in the post construction stage. The […]
When Is A Duct Leakage Test Required?
According to the IECC, (International Energy Conservation Code) a duct leakage test is required when any part of the HVAC system or the ductwork sit outside of the buildings’ thermal envelope. The thermal envelope is any place which is conditioned while places outside the thermal envelope are unconditioned spaces such as basements, attics and crawl […]
Duct Leakage Test
I had the pleasure of perorming a duct leakage test today at the 1300 block of N 23rd St for Kyle. The hvac contractor did a nice job, everything was sealed properly. It was a two unit job the top floor I conected the duct blaster to the return ran the test and it aced. […]